Help With Making A Simple "If / Then" Search Box
Hi, I know search boxes can be very complicated, but I would like to at least be able to run a very basic search on the website I'm working on. I already have the search box made and the form setup....
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Technically it's very much doable but... sounds like you are using the text input as site navigation, which is not a great idea. What's wrong with using more straightforward navigation system?...
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I have a navigation system. But, I would also like a search box too. I was just giving an example...I know the customer could easily go to the fabric section, but there is a lot more than that and it...
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If you're not using a database, your best bet would be to add a google search, or similar third party function to your site. The next best option would be javascript, but they tend to become huge...
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I do not have anything stored in databases. You can't create a search query without a data source. Instead, use one of the following: Zoom Search Engine...
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Is it possible to have a search box search the meta keywords you have on your pages to give results?
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>Is it possible to have a search box search the meta keywords you have on your pages to give results? Sure. But you need to have some kind of search engine to do it. Either a homegrown database...
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